FAQ: Henna Brows

What is henna brows?

Brow henna is a fine powder mixed with water or henna solution that when formed into a paste, stains the skin and hair for a length of time. This process can create beautiful results on the right client and gives the appearance that the brows are filled in temporarily.

How long does brow henna last?

In ideal cases, the skin stain can last up to 2 weeks and the brow hairs can be stained for up to 5-6 weeks!

How often do I need to come in for a henna appointment in order to maintain results?

We typically see regular henna clients between 3-6 weeks on average, this depends on hair growth, skin type, client aftercare and personal preference.

What if I don’t have any brow hair, can I still get henna brows?

Since henna tends to last longest when there is a substantial amount of hair, we wouldn’t generally recommend henna as the skin stain might not last as long. 

We would recommend henna for clients without brow hair only in the event that you’d be interested in a kind of “trial” into what your brows may end up looking like with something more permanent before actually committing to a permanent brow.

Does brow henna contain PPD?

Yes. Almost all brow henna and other hair colorants contain a very small amount of PPD. Some people are sensitive to this ingredient and an allergic reaction can occur. PPD is a colorant, without this substance the color remains red and is unable to stain. The ingredient is necessary for the creation of henna brows.

If you are worried you might be allergic or sensitive to PPD, feel free to schedule a consultation and ask for a henna patch test to rule it out before booking your appointment.

Can I get brow henna and brow lamination together?

Since both treatments together could be too harsh, we recommend that if you want both treatments to book a brow lamination first and waiting at least 48 later to book brow henna.

Brow lamination does include a brow tint + wax!

Can I get henna brows if I’m pregnant?

Unless your doctor can clear you for the treatment and we can see proof of clearance, we do not practice brow henna on pregnant women since the PPD present could potentially be risky.

What’s the difference between brow henna and brow tint?

Henna is a temporary treatment that stains the skin for up to 2 weeks and brow hairs up to 6 weeks. Henna is suitable for people who want a fuller looking brow and great for those who fill in their brows everyday.

Brow tint focuses mainly on staining the hair which lasts up to 7 weeks, only staining the skin for a couple days. Brow tint is great for clients who have very light brow hairs, who might dye the hair on their head dark and wish to match it, or for those who prefer a less filled in look and more so wanting a darker brow hair color instead.

Is it safe to get henna brows? 

Unless you’re allergic or sensitive to PPD, then YES! 

Is henna good for sparse brows?

Absolutely! Sparse, uneven and over-plucked brows are great since henna can make the brows appear full, shaped and more symmetrical.